ngr taiwan 日商研極達股份有限公司台灣分公司


地 址:新竹縣竹北市成功一街156號3F

電 話:03-6675670

傳 真


類 別


網 站

服務時間週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30


NGR Inc.® has been focusing on the development of a semiconductor verification tool based on a totally new concept since the foundation of the company in July 2000. NGR Inc. is committed to innovation for semiconductor equipment to address the metrology and inspection needs of the 65nm and 45nm manufacturing nodes. Since its inception, NGR has focused its initial effort on the development of a die-to-database platform to address OPC and mask verification. This initial effort has yielded the introduction of the NGR®2100 2D metrology tool, which was introduced at the 2005 SPIE conference and received rave reviews for it’s innovative approach to the industries core problems as we address the next generation manufacturing requirements. The NGR 2100 is a SEM based platform that features a new industry standard for its large distortion free FOV, stitch and butt stage and image acquisition, and high speed/high accuracy 2D feature analysis. The tool is uniquely positioned to allow direct feedback into the EDA environment for OPC and model verification.

(更新 2024-04-29) ngr taiwan 日商研極達股份有限公司台灣分公司 相關網站列表
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      NGR Inc.® has been focusing on the development of a semiconductor verification tool based on a totally new concept since the foundation of the company in July 2000. NGR Inc. is committed to innovation for semiconductor equipment to address the metrology and inspection needs of the 65nm and 45nm man...

      電話:03-6675670    地址:新竹縣竹北市成功一街156號3F

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